在CHARLES & KEITH Group集团,我们正踏上新的征程,我们希望我们所有的客户、员工和合作伙伴都能参与其中。 这是一个发挥时尚潜力的旅程,以塑造未来的东西。 一个对制造它的人、穿它的人以及使这一切成为可能的地球更美好的未来。
回馈是我们企业DNA的一部分。 我们相信要尽自己的力量使这个世界变得更美好。 我们已经并将继续支持我们的当地社区和全球事业,如妇女赋权;儿童福利;老年人和残疾人士的特殊需求;以及环境问题。 我们致力于在社会中进行有意义的变革,使其成为对每个人都更加包容的地方。
CKG Foundation supports Singapore Pavillion at Venice Biennale
CHARLES & KEITH Group Foundation is pleased to be a key partner for the Singapore Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, supporting artist Robert Zhao and curator Haeju Kim for exhibition, Seeing Forest.
Witnessing Our Impact Programme In Action
This World Cleanup Day, a group of our colleagues volunteered for a learning journey in Bali, Indonesia, one of the areas that has experienced a significant transformation through our partnership with Plastic Bank.
An Ode to Earth
PEDRO releases the latest summer campaign – An Ode to Earth, as an apt reminder of nature’s beauty and the bounty it provides from which inspiring pieces are created.
Supporting Relief Efforts In Türkiye & Syria
In response to the emergency following the earthquake in southern Türkiye and northern Syria, CHARLES & KEITH is supporting Singapore Red Cross’ relief efforts by donating all proceeds from the sales of a special bracelet.
CHARLES & KEITH celebrated International Women’s Day 2023 by supporting UN Women’s Storytelling for Gender Equality, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to empower women and forge an inclusive world.
Earthy Touch
The natural evolution to the way of living, rePEDRO rethinks functional dressing through eco-conscious everyday essentials rendered in the public interest.