CHARLES & KEITH成立于1996年,是一个新加坡的时尚品牌,创造了一系列的产品–鞋、包、眼镜、配饰和服装珠宝–以提高生活和工作的质量。 从郊区的一家鞋店到在实体店和网上提供令人难忘的零售体验的国际网络,CHARLES & KEITH的卑微起步证明了它的挑战者精神,它使新加坡成为一个具有原创性和创造性的地方。
CHARLES & KEITH庆祝时尚的喜悦,并拥抱其自然的双重性:亚洲和全球。 夜与昼。 工作与娱乐。

'Tis the season to be fabulous and festive. To celebrate the arrival of the holiday season, we invited our favourite celebrities and personalities to a fun and jolly party at the Jewel store. Everyone had a great time and core memories were created that night.

CHARLES & KEITH was spotted on the MMAM runway at Seoul Fashion Week, where the talented designer has chosen to complement her Fall Winter 2023 runway looks with CHARLES & KEITH accessories.

Featuring standout statement shoes and chic chain-embellished handbags, sleek CHARLES & KEITH accessories were spotted on both the runway and the very fashionable guests during Afterpay Australian Fashion Week.

CHARLES & KEITH has arrived in Shibuya Center-Gai, Tokyo. This flagship store not only represents CHARLES & KEITH’s second global flagship store, but also holds special significance as it was crafted in partnership with the internationally acclaimed architectural firm, David Chipperfield Architects Milan.

To celebrate and commemorate the launch of CHARLES & KEITH’s festive capsule collection, friends of the house were treated to a fine dining experience at the Dubai Opera hosted by actress Cynthia Samuel, who is also the face of the campaign.

CHARLES & KEITH teamed up with Vogue Singapore to throw an intimate party at the set of the campaign photo shoot for the iconic Vita slingback pumps from the Spring Summer 2023 collection, with stylish insiders in attendance.

ITZY, accessorising with standout pieces from our Spring 2023 collection, brought their superstar presence to the new flagship store situated in one of the Hong Kong's most iconic districts, Causeway Bay,

CHARLES & KEITH celebrated the opening of its biggest boutique in Singapore at Takashimaya Shopping Centre with an event graced by fashionable friends of the brand.

Statement CHARLES & KEITH shoes – Lucile and Corinth – were spotted on the runway at Chet Lo’s Fall Winter 2023 show at London Fashion Week.

ITZY visited the special pop-up space in Seongsu-dong, Seoul, which offered a sneak peek of the ITZ MINE collection.

CHARLES & KEITH Japan held a special fashion showcase in Omotesando, Tokyo, for press and influencer friends of the brand to celebrate the launch of our Fall 2022 collection.

We are thrilled to unveil our pop-up store in the USA at Showfields, New York City where for the first time, shoppers in the USA can physically browse CHARLES & KEITH’s products.

Take an inside look at our Spring 2022 collection’s launch party in Shanghai, Cambodia, Dubai, Seoul, Singapore and Taipei.

After a two-year hiatus, the star-studded event is back in full swing where we made our mark by dressing influential trendsetters in our bright and bold Summer 2022 accessories.
CHARLES & KEITH participated in the world’s first-ever Metaverse Fashion Week – Decentraland which featured our Spring Floral 2022 Collection.

We celebrated this milestone with the Anniversary collection, a visual collective of our history, virtual 3D animated avatar and a series of stories behind the anniversary.
CHARLES & KEITH首度与亚裔美籍设计师Chet Lo合作,为品牌带来了一场极具惊艳的时尚风暴。这次合作推出的六款限量胶囊系列单品是源自CHARLES & KEITH的人气经典款式,不仅保留了品牌一贯的风采,同时也清晰呈现Chet Lo如何将具有前卫标志性的设计融入单品之中。
以刺猬般的立体钉形针织设计闻名,设计师Chet Lo巧妙交织着传统与前卫的风格,让优雅气息完美融入一系列包款、鞋履和配饰中。充满极简氛围的未来美学,融合了立体钉性感而撫媚、大胆而坚韧的精髓,展示出独一无二的时尚风范。
CHARLES & KEITH携手上海时装品牌Short Sentence推出“Riding On A Breezy Day”自在穿行系列,本系列灵感来自于两个品牌对城市生活的结合诠释,旨在捕捉专属春夏季节轻松而氛围感十足的生活情境。
CHARLES & KEITH is thrilled to collaborate with BLVCK Paris, the lifestyle brand renowned for its bold 'All Black' designs. Founded in 2017 by visionary French designer Julian O’hayon, BLVCK Paris has become synonymous with the 'All Black Lifestyle,' offering apparel, accessories, and leather goods that revolutionized the industry and transcend traditional fashion norms. BLVCK champions a lifestyle where quality and design merge seamlessly and living life on your own terms is paramount. The collaboration with CHARLES & KEITH represents a shift in culture and reflects a shared commitment to reimagining reality by pushing boundaries and redefining style.
CHARLES & KEITH 与现代艺术家Henn Kim携手合作,她擅长以超现实主义的风格描绘细腻的内心情感,透过黑白笔触在社交平台上与观众产生共鸣,并在不同的人眼里长出不同的故事。在本次合作中,Henn Kim决定带着轻松的心情,重新诠释最具代表性的心脏作品,展露她内心不同的一面。
喜迎兔年的到来,全新 CHARLES & KEITH 迪士尼《动物方城市》系列以有着可爱外表且永远保持正能量的主角「哈茱蒂」为设计灵感,打造一系列应景又实用的配件,让你从开春一路红到年尾!
CHARLES & KEITH与迪士尼皮克斯动画合作发表一系列充满愉快与惊奇的单品,异想天开的风格来自皮克斯动画《玩具总动员 3》里头最爱抱抱、最受欢迎可爱反派角色——熊抱哥。
年末期间发表的迪士尼动画系列让2022年有个精采俏皮的尾声。 设计草图充满草莓色绒毛、熊抱哥缀饰、草莓炼条以及铆钉,单品款式包含最热门的切尔西靴、乐福鞋、肩背包、眼镜链、发夹等等,从头到脚、大人到小孩都难逃熊抱哥的大熊抱。
CHARLES & KEITH首次与新加坡航空跨界联名,共创一系列限量单品。 本系列包款和皮夹的材料来自于新航已退役的飞机,我们将即将废弃的物质成功转换成了时尚。。
CHARLES & KEITH与著名的西班牙裔艺术家Coco Capitán合作打造联名系列。 尝试以时尚与散文的连结探索情感的亲密与复杂性。 作品以全黑配色映衬富于情感的散文,Capitán话语背后的宁静辉芒,启动观者与自己心灵的私密对话。
SHUSHU/TONG x CHARLES & KEITH 联名系列推出两双鞋、两款包,以一枝玫瑰花作为主要设计,通过艺术和时尚灵感的结合,抓住玫瑰绽放的美丽瞬间、将爱与热情的寓意刻画成永恒。 玫瑰花的独特符合 SHUSHU/TONG 的品牌基因,体现摩登女性的独立,也呼应着 CHARLES & KEITH 品牌理念与精神。
来自2023 Bondi Born resort系列的模特儿踩上丰富色号的彩色鞋履在澳洲时装伸展台上昂首阔步,每一套时装与CHARLES & KEITH鞋履的搭配,都体现着既现代又惬意的夏日简约风情。
CHARLES & KEITH很荣幸能与新加坡时尚插画家Grace Ciao合作推出限量手绘款的Gabine真皮马鞍包,整系列以天然皮革、细致工艺制成,并透过Grace浪漫细腻的手绘画风,完美体现穿戴艺术的真谛。
以永恒、休闲却充满细节的独特风格创造女性时尚而闻名Cecilie Bahnsen,在高级时装与成衣市场间走出一条属于自己的道路。 本次联名系列包含三款玛莉珍鞋以及一款穆勒鞋,设计延伸了设计师一贯的美学概念,配色延续Cecilie Bahnsen于2019秋冬秀场首次登场的设计。